University of Cumbria - ARI (Artist Research Initiative), Hospitality Project, ‘Ann Carragher, Patti Lean and Brigid Kennedy’ in conversation, (2021)
‘Disorientations’, (research paper) Performing Heterotopia Winter Symposium, NSU, University of Wroclaw, Poland, March (2020). Re:Connected (paper) Research Symposium, B&FC (2018). Ich und Du (paper) Catalyst Conference, The Anatomy Rooms, Spectra Light Festival, Aberdeen 2017. Collective Collaborations and Bury Collective artists discuss the ways in which they work together, and the benefits of being part of a collaborative. Street Level Photo-works Director discusses the importance of collaborations on an organisational scale, how Street Level works to improve the infrastructure to help develop artists work and profile. Collective Collaborations — Curated Place
'CMIT', ASLE - UKI, LAND2 Conference, University of Sheffield (paper) The conference is co-hosted by the School of English, Sheffield Hallam University, the School of English, University of Sheffield, and the School of Design, University of Leeds. It is co-sponsored by ASLE-UKI (The Association for the Study of Literature and the Environment, UK and Ireland) and LAND2 (“land squared”), a creative practice-led research network of artist/lecturers and research students with an interest in landscape/place-oriented art practice.
Subject of Study: Collaboration in Research & Artistic Practice', Common Ground, University of Manchester (paper and panel) ‘The Subject of Study – Collaboration in Research and Artistic Practice’ is aimed at exploringresearch collaborations in academic and artistic practice. The conference opens with an afternoon of researcher lead discussion, exploring different forms of collaborative practice and relationships between the agency of individuals engaged in collaborative research and the institutional or disciplinary context in which they operate. This is followed by an early evening Reception and Keynote by artist, writer and educator, Anthony Luvera whose work explores tensions between authorship (or artistic control) and participation, and the ethics involved in representing other people’s lives. This event has been made possible through the generous support of the University of Manchester’s arts methods and the North West Consortium Doctoral Training Partnership.
Diorama-Hidden Theatres' Symposium (paper) The project has been coordinated by Sarah Eyre as part of a SRDA supported research project and will comprise of a limited edition publication, designed by Rachel Tarlan and containing an introductory essay by Dr Lynne Fanthome, a symposium and exhibition.
'Agorophobia: Spaces Within' Symposium 2013
Architecture is redolent with gendered codification and representation: enclosure, vestibule, threshold, entrance, cloister, claustrum. However, it was/is my intention to reiterate the boundaries, as well as seek out the ‘liminal’ in-between spaces/places. Where inside and outside become interchangeable, boundaries dissolve, hesitant, indecisive, on the verge of transition. https://agoraphobiaexhibition.wordpress.com_
SEE: Undressing Identity Symposium 2013
This body of work refers to the curious erotic custom of ‘Chinese foot binding’, - the art of making living matter insensible and inanimate. The images address forgotten subjectivities, whilst simultaneously portraying the ephemeral and temporal subjugation of the female form (psychological and physical). The allegorical treatment and aesthetic embodiment of the feet become a metaphor for ‘limits and expectations’. The muted, dark, scratched and distressed images present a melancholic public disclosure, concerned and perpetuated by socially constructed ideas and ideals of ‘beauty’.
Blackpool Vista Symposium 2008 (Art, Bawdiness and the Carnivalesque)
Title: 'Archaeo.repro', mixed media archive. The School of Art & Design, Palatine Road, Blackpool This body of work visually investigates aspects of architectural theory with various issues relative to Blackpool's past, present & future. As Architecture finds resolution in form and material, it offers spatial experience, each one open to interpretation and use, disclosing various social, aesthetic, political & economic conditions as well as diverse uses, desires & experiences.